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Sights from Ljungdalen: fell scenery, STF hostel, The river Ljungan, roads from ÅsarnaLet us suggest a trip to the village of Ljungdalen, in the region of Härjedalen. Here ends the road and the mountain scenery takes over. Ljungdalen is some 600 kilometers from Stockholm on the border of the middle part of the Scandinavian mountain range. Here you can escape the distractions of city life but also enjoy the comforts of home. Stay in a comfortable holiday flat or at the local hostel, connected to The Swedish Tourist Association (Svenska Turistföreningen or STF). You will also find a boarding-house and some restaurants or buy what you need from the local shopkeeper. Spend the days in the slopes with downhill skiing or go crosscountry skiing in the neighbourhood. If you would rather like to make a trip for a few days in the mountains, this is a good place to start or end your journey with a one day-trip to STFs mountain station, Helags. For more information: call + 46 70 259 12 90 or have a look on Ljungdalsberget Turist